Sunday, June 7, 2009

its kinda dusty in here...

we are back online.
i am here to remember a cubelander who has left our midst and gone topside.
a place where sunlight penetrates through the windows.
a happier place.

aaron van fleet. you will be missed.
amy will only be half annoyed at work now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Why Acrostics?

I was going to battle Amy's cube but then I realized it wasn't good enough to battle.
So, I will battle an imaginary acrostic that Aaron could have possibly done.

Acrostics are a waste of time.

Aaron, if you had taken the time to write one, it would have been a waste of time.
Its a good thing no one we know wrote one.

length times width times height


hosea 4:5

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cubelandia ep.1

Join us on a tour of Cubelandia and seriously you need to at least watch the last minute or so.

Cubelandia Episode 1 from Andrew Means on Vimeo.
Here is a poem about things in my cube. It's an acrostic.

Many cool things to look at
Yellow sticky notes
'tis a pinata

Christmas wreath
Used paper cup
Everything I need to work

Pirate sighting in Cubeland

Amy thinks she's a pirate.
I guess she does have a treasure chest.
But she really needs a pirate ship to be convincing.


Turning Key
Open door
Light flickers
Dawn breaks

Mac on
Plug In
Work Begins
It's morning in Cubelandia

A poem by Andrew Means